After years of hard work, your kid has been accepted to college and you couldn’t be prouder.

As a parent, it’s natural to want to broadcast their successes to the world, but in the age of social media, how public do you make it? Do you post about what a genius you raised? Keep your brags more humble? Keep the announcement off social media entirely?

Not surprisingly, parents have a wide range of opinions on this and there’s no right answer. It’s all about what makes sense for you and your family. Here are a few tips from parents to help you make the call when your kid is accepted into college.

Think about Your Child

Your first reaction might be to type up a post and hit Enter, but it’s a good idea to take a minute and think about your child before you do. You should have a conversation with your child so that you can agree on their privacy wishes for posting online. Sue Scheff, author of Shame Nation: The Global Epidemic of Online Hate

says to ask yourself, “How does your teen feel about you sharing this?” Asking permission before sharing—even when it’s good news—can help avoid any potential conflict with your kid.

Share to Inspire Others

Of course, there are kids who revel in their parents posting on social media. New Yorker Migdalia Rivera says that her son loves when she shares details of his life. When he was accepted to college as a junior in high school—and with a full scholarship—she announced it to the world, not only on social media but also in her blog

. Rivera says that publicly calling out her son’s accomplishments kept him motivated and may have helped others as well.

Don’t Hold Back

Susan LeBron, a mom of six in Hawaii and author of No Fig Leaves Allowed! Getting Emotionally Naked

, was the first in her family to go to college and as a result, is extremely proud of her daughter’s achievements. She has no hesitation to post online. “Our daughter has worked so hard to reach her academic goals, and I believe there is no shame in sharing the good news with our world,” she says.

Post about What You’re Really Proud Of

For some, like Julie Onos, a parent in Boston, the actual acceptance isn’t the accomplishment that’s worth posting about. “I didn’t post about [my daughter’s] acceptances,” she says. “I posted when all the applications were completed because that felt like a huge milestone and sort of the official end to an era. We had done a really thorough job researching schools and visiting, so I knew that whichever one she ultimately chose was going to be great for her as a student, as an athlete and as a person.”

It’s Not for You to Post

Of course, there are many parents who opt to not post on social media about their kids. Alina Adams, a mother in New York, feels strongly that it’s not the parent’s place to brag about, or even mention, where their teens are going to college on social media. “These are their private lives and we parents have no right to broadcast anything about it,” she says.

Celebrate in Other Ways

Caleb Backe, a father in Riverdale, New York, also thinks parents should tread lightly when it comes to posting about their kids. When his son was accepted to Harvard, he was obviously excited, but he didn’t think it was his place to broadcast the news. Instead, he threw a big bash to celebrate with friends, family, and neighbors. “The idea was that these were trusted people who all had some influence in our child’s life, and we thought that the celebration would be a good way to thank them for their support and encouragement along the way,” he says. “It was really more a way to give back and share thanks than to brag about how amazing our child was or how great we are as parents.”

Bottom line: Whether you decide to shout from the rooftops about your kid’s acceptances or keep your jubilance a little more private, getting accepted to college is worthy of celebration in whatever way feels right for you.

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